New Year, New Resolutions: A Guide to Setting Up Yours

by Pam Corning


If you’re like most people, then you’ve probably made some kind of New Year’s resolution. Whether it's personal or professional in nature, resolutions are a great way to start off the year with a commitment to yourself and your goals. As the decorations from the holidays disappears from our homes and lives, I'm looking forward to focusing on my New Year's plans. Personally, I'd like to step up my fitness game again and also finally completing those projects that have been lingering around my house for years. On the business side, one of my New Years’ Resolution goals is to help more people with their home buying and selling process. Whether they're simply in need of advice or would appreciate having someone act as an advocate, providing this kind of help is something I enjoy doing and serves as a great inspiration for New Years resolutions.

How to Set Your Goals

If you’re looking to create your own set of New Year's resolutions, here are some tips that can help make the process easier. First and foremost, don't be too hard on yourself when setting your resolutions! It's important that you pick achievable goals that won't cause unnecessary stress or anxiety if left unaccomplished at year's end. With that said, try not to create too many goals either—focusing on just one or two key areas can make it easier for you to stay motivated throughout the year.

When coming up with ideas for resolutions, think about what areas in your life could use some improvement or what activities bring you joy. If you’re looking for specific ideas, here are a few popular categories that tend to be common among folks making new year’s resolutions: Health & Fitness (e.g., eating healthier foods or exercising regularly); Financial (e.g., saving more money or paying off debt); Home & Family (e.g., decluttering or spending more quality time together); Work & Career (e.g., stretching outside your comfort zone or learning new skills).

And once you have chosen your resolution(s), break them down into smaller chunks so they become more manageable throughout the year! This will make it easier for you track progress towards completion and help keep motivation levels high even if progress isn't always linear every month/week/day etc.. For example if your goal is financial related such as saving $X by December 31st 2023 - break it down into smaller increments such as saving $Y by Jan 15th 2023; $Z by Feb 1st 2023; etc... This will allow for small wins along the way which can be huge motivators for achieving success come December 2023!

All in all, new years resolutions can be an excellent way to motivate ourselves towards self-improvement while providing us with something tangible to look forward to as we enter a fresh year ahead full of possibilities. By setting achievable yet challenging goals – whether they are health-related, financial-related, career-related, or buying a home – we can propel ourselves forward into a better future than where we were before starting our journey! So don't wait any longer — start now by taking inventory of where you want yourself and your life at this time next year! Here's wishing everyone out there a happy new year full of growth & success! Good luck!

